Chanakya Niti: Everyone wants to be a leader at some point in their career, but it is not that easy because leadership is a responsibility that cannot be taken lightly. Chanakya says that the whole game in this world is of the chair. A person works hard for years to get the chair of a leader. Chanakya says that a good leader is one who knows the path, walks on that path himself and shows the right path to others. Chanakya has told that what things should be taken special care of while handling the responsibility of leadership, otherwise your mistakes will take away the crown of leadership from your head.
unable to decide
As a leader, it is very important to take the right decisions at the right time, because the performance of the team depends on your decisions. Those who are unable to do this work fail to become leaders. According to Chanakya, after analyzing the situation thoroughly, taking appropriate decisions keeping all its dimensions in mind, many people may be unhappy with it, but your decision will benefit the company on a large scale. Delay in taking decision raises questions on your ability.
repeating mistakes over and over
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Everyone makes mistakes, but repeating the same mistake over and over again cannot be forgiven because it becomes a habit. In such a situation, it is very important to learn from one’s own mistakes. In this race to get the chair, they keep sitting in search of second chance, repeating the same mistake is to benefit others. To remain a capable leader, it is necessary to accept your accountability towards every work, so never shy away from taking responsibility.
change with the times
As the saying goes, like the country, like the disguise, the sooner you understand it, the better it will be for you. Chanakya says that with time one should keep changing his working style. If you don’t learn something new, you won’t be able to compete with others. Those who are negligent in learning new technology, do not update and upgrade themselves, they are snatched very soon.
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