Chanakya Niti: Never make a mistake in understanding these 3 people, life will be in trouble


Chanakya Niti: A successful person has many enemies, some known and some unknown. Such people are always looking for opportunities to harm the person. Chanakya has mentioned some 3 people who should never be considered weak. You cannot guess their power from their behavior. A cautious person can never be deceived, in such a situation it is necessary to keep distance from these 3 people. Living near such people can put life in danger. Let us know that Chanakya has asked 3 people to be careful.

Never be careless in understanding the enemy, disease, and snake, they can attack again’ – Chanakya


Never make the mistake of ignoring your enemy. When the enemy is calm, do not think that he has given up. Such people should not be taken lightly, they attack as soon as they get a chance. Especially if the enemy is not visible and if his activities fall short, then he can be very dangerous. If you want to win over the enemy, then be aware of his every power.


Negligence with the body puts the lives of even the best in danger in danger. Disease is the invisible enemy of a person. Which is not treated at the right time and if not taken care of, then it can take a formidable form. Illness is the biggest obstacle in the success of a person, because a person can achieve his goal only as long as he is healthy and capable.


It cannot be guessed when the snake sitting silently turns back and strikes. It is difficult to understand the strength of a snake from its behavior. In such a situation, never disturb the snake, otherwise you may have to give it to take it. It is said that a snake ambushes a human being.

Chanakya Niti: Mother Lakshmi gets pulled in such houses, remains blessed throughout her life

Chanakya Niti: Those who believe in these 2 things are left behind, success slips away

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.


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