By applying almond-pistachio cream, you get amazing glow, prepare like this at home


Almond-Pistachio CreamWhat do girls do to get healthy and glowing skin? From expensive beauty products to parlor treatments, girls do everything that works to make their skin glowing and glowing. However, you can make your face shine like a moon by using some things at home too. For this you can use almond and pistachio cream. While the skin tone improves with the use of this cream, it does not have any side effects. You can prepare it at home also. So let’s know about the benefits of almond-pistachio cream and the method of making it-

Skin benefits of almonds and pistachios

Almond-Pistachio Cream works to remove wrinkles and blemishes from your skin. It also brightens the complexion of the skin. Actually, the essential fatty acids present in almonds control the oil on the skin, which controls acne, blackheads and whiteheads. At the same time, almonds and pistachios also contain vitamin E and other antioxidants, which are helpful in reducing free radicals from the body and making the skin soft and glowing.

Ingredients for Almond-Pistachio Cream

  • Almonds – 5-10
  • Rose water – 1 tbsp
  • Aloe Vera Gel – 1 tbsp
  • Almond oil – 1/2 tsp
  • Pistachios equal to almonds

how to make and install

To make Almond-Pistachio Cream, first of all, soak both the things in water for 20 minutes. Now take off their peels and grind them in a mixer to make a paste. Now add rose water and almond oil to this paste. After mixing all these things well, store them in a container. Now apply this cream on the face every night before sleeping. With this you will start seeing the effect within a week.

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