Salt In Curd: Curd has now become a mandatory item to add flavor to food. Everyone likes to eat curd with food, so people add curd to their food in different ways, some eat curd with sugar, some eat plain curd directly, some make raita. So no buttermilk, apart from this, don’t know in how many ways curd is added to the food by adding salt, spices and chillies, apart from these, curd is very beneficial for health because it contains many types of vitamins and minerals including calcium protein. are found, that’s why people often include curd in their diet, while a question often runs in the mind of some people whether it is right to eat curd with salt.
Should we eat curd mixed with salt or not?
According to the dietician, curd is acidic in nature, so we should avoid eating it by adding more salt to the curd because it can increase bile and phlegm. Dietician says that according to Ayurveda, you should eat curd mixed with honey, sugar, sugar candy or ghee. Can. If you want, you can also drink curd in the form of buttermilk. You can mix light salt and cumin powder in it, but if you eat curd mixed with salt daily, bile and phlegm can increase rapidly.
Disadvantages of adding salt to curd
- Eating curd mixed with salt can increase bile and phlegm in the body.
- Eating yogurt mixed with salt kills the beneficial bacteria present in it, and then it is no longer beneficial.
- Eating curd mixed with salt can affect your digestive system, many problems related to it can be faced.
- In the winter season, eating curd mixed with salt can cause cough and cold, as well as sore throat.
- People who have high blood pressure problem, eating curd with salt can increase their BP, this increases the chances of stroke, hypertension, dementia and other heart diseases.
Healthiest way to eat curd
The healthiest way to eat curd is to eat plain curd first. If you want to increase the taste, then add a little sugar or jaggery. Keep in mind that when it is time for breakfast, eat curd and sugar, eat curd and salt in the afternoon and night. Apart from this, if there is a problem of diabetes, then eat curd with black salt.
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