Bumper recruitment for the post of Police Constable and SI, can apply from February 15


Punjab Police Recruitment 2023: Punjab Police has taken out recruitment for the post of Bumper. Here applications are invited from eligible candidates for a total of 1890 vacancies of Constable and Sub-Inspector. The application process for these vacancies has not started yet. applications will start February 15 2023 From and last date to apply is 08 March 2023, These dates are for the post of Constable. While the applications for SI post will start from February 7 from and 28 February 2023 Will last till Interested candidates can apply in the prescribed format after the application link is activated.

apply from this website
A total of 1890 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive of Punjab Police. Out of these, 1746 posts are of constable and 144 posts are of sub-inspector. Also know that these posts can only be applied online. For this, you have to go to the official website of Punjab Police, whose address is – punjabpolice.gov.in,

Selection will be done after several stages of examination

The selection of candidates for the post of Constable and Sub-Inspector of Punjab Police will be done after passing several stages of examination. First there will be CBT i.e. Computer Based Test, after that there will be Physical Measurement Test i.e. PMT. The next stage will be the Physical Screening Test or PST. For this, some parameters will be decided, only the candidates who fulfill them will pass the exam.

Who can apply

To apply for the post of constable, it is necessary for the candidate to have 12th pass. Ex-servicemen can apply even if they are 10th pass. The age limit will be calculated from January 1, 2023. For this, candidates from 18 to 28 years can apply. Reserved category will get age relaxation as per rules.

Talking about the post of SI, graduate candidates can apply for them. The rules of age limit for them are the same as for the post of constable.

will get this much salary

Candidates will get a salary of Rs 19,900 on getting selected for the post of constable. And for the post of SI, the salary has been fixed at Rs 35,400. You can check the notice to know the details.

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