It is common to have the problem of high blood pressure with age. Now many people are facing the problem of blood pressure and there are many occasions when the blood pressure becomes very high. In case of high blood pressure, many other problems start happening in the body. If sometimes you also have the problem of high blood pressure, then you should keep some measures in mind so that blood pressure can be easily controlled in that situation. So know what to do when blood pressure is high.
get some rest
If you feel that your blood pressure is getting high, then first of all take rest for some time. Take a deep breath and try to relax your mind. Actually, stress and anxiety only cause high blood pressure.
Along with this, exercising for 5-10 minutes in the condition of high blood pressure, such as walking or light stretching, etc. helps in reducing blood pressure.
change your position
If you have been sitting or lying down, try standing up or changing positions. Moving around improves circulation and helps control high blood pressure.
drink water
Sometimes dehydration can cause high blood pressure. Drinking water can help lower your blood pressure and improve hydration.
avoid caffeine and alcohol
Both caffeine and alcohol can cause an increase in high blood pressure. Try to limit your consumption or avoid them altogether.
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