Bihar Board will release 10th class result soon, this number is necessary to pass


​Bihar Board Result 2023: Today the results of class 12th have been released by the Bihar Board. Bihar Board has released the results of the examination much before other boards. Bihar Board has been doing the same for many years. After the release of the results of the 12th class board examination, now the board will also release the result of class 10th very soon. Which the candidates will be able to check by visiting the official site.

Bihar Board had conducted the 10th class examination this year from 14th February to 22nd February 2023. More than 17 lakh students appeared in the matriculation examination. Of these, 8,20,179 are boys and 7,90,920 are girls. 1500 examination centers were made by the board for the 10th class board examination. The students who appeared in the examination are eagerly waiting for the results of the examination. To be successful in the 10th class board exam, students have to score 33% marks. It is expected that the way the board has released the 12th class result first, similarly the board will also release the 10th class result first.

According to the reports, the results of the 10th class examination can be released by the Bihar Board in the last week of March or in the first week of April. Although there is no official confirmation of this.

In the last five years, how many students have been successful in the 10th class examination of Bihar Board. that goes-

  • 79.88% students were successful in the year 2022
  • 78.17% students were successful in the year 2021
  • 80.59% students were successful in the year 2020
  • 80.73% students were successful in the year 2019
  • 68.89% students were successful in the year 2018

This way you can check the result

  • Step 1: To check the result, visit the website of Bihar Board-
  • Step 2: After this, click on the 10th exam result on the student home page.
  • Step 3: Then students enter their roll number here.
  • Step 4: After this the result of the student will appear on the screen.
  • Step 5: Now download the student result.
  • Step 6: Finally take out the print out of the student result.

Read this also- Bihar Board 12th Commerce Result 2023: 12th commerce result released, Somya and Rajneesh topped with 475 marks

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