Bihar Board 12th Result 2023: Bihar Board 12th result has come. Lakhs of children have passed this exam, but many children have got compartment. Got compartment means he has failed in some subjects. However, you do not need to worry. Compartment exams are conducted for those students who have failed in any subject. If you pass this exam then your year will not be wasted and you will also get pass degree in board exam. So let us know what is this compartment exam and what is done to give it.
what is compartment exam
Compartment exam is now also known as improvement exam. This exam is conducted for those students who fail in one or two subjects in the 10th or 12th board exams. This exam is conducted so that the students of class 10th and 12th do not lose a whole year. Along with this, many times students also give this exam to increase their marks. That is, if his first division has stopped due to some marks, then he fills the compartment exam, so that he gets more marks and comes in the category of first division. However, only a few boards provide this facility. Not all boards provide this facility.
What are the rules related to this exam
The rules related to compartment exams are set by each board separately. Bihar Board allows only those students to appear in the compartment exam who have failed in maximum two subjects. That is, if you have failed in more than two subjects, then you will not get to take the compartment exam. Along with this, the Bihar Board does not allow compartment exams to increase the marks. Whenever you go to give compartment exam, you have to go wearing slippers because you cannot give this exam wearing shoes.
how to fill compartment exam form
Step 1- To fill the form for compartment exam, you must first login to http://seniorsecondary.biharboardonline.com/#/login.
Step 2- Enter User ID and Password then enter captcha code and click on login.
Step 3- A dashboard will open, click on Pre-Examination.
Step 4- Click on “Student Examination Form”.
Step 5- Then select Faculty – Category Compartmental and Registration Type – Regular Pvt.
Step 6- A list of students will be shown then find your name in it.
Step 7- Then student’s profile will open, upload students photo and signature and click on submit/save.
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