In today’s fast life, people do not spend much time even at the dinner table. Be it morning or afternoon or dinner, people want to finish quickly and then get busy with their work. Nowadays it has become a culture to eat cold food in the afternoon. Most of the people stay in the office at that time, so they just want to have food and return to work. That’s why they do not reheat the food brought from home and in this context they prefer cold food. People eat cold rice especially in the afternoon. Today, through our article, we will talk about whether eating cold rice in the afternoon is good for health?
When we eat food, there are changes inside the body?
Digestive problems
Many health experts have told that hot food makes digestion better and stronger. According to Priya Bansal, MSc Nutrition and Dietitian working at Apollo Hospital, Delhi, digestive problems start due to eating cold rice. Digestion starts getting spoiled. When you eat cold food, the stomach starts applying more energy to digest it. Stomach starts feeling heavy after eating cold rice. It also leads to abdominal bloating.
Nutrient deficiencies
Cold food, including cold rice, affects the absorption of nutrients by the body Can do. Bansal said that blood circulation can be affected by low temperature. Blood circulation can also shrink. Due to which the blood circulation in the digestive system decreases. As a result, absorption of essential vitamins, minerals and macronutrients may be compromised. Over time this can contribute to nutritional deficiencies and compromised overall health.
Toxic build-up
Repeated cold rice By heating, harmful bacteria like Bacillus Cereus start growing in it. Bansal said that bacteria can increase many types of poison in food. Because of which food can become poisonous. Fresh food is very important for our health to reduce the risk of bacterial growth.
Increased gas and bloating
Cold food especially cold Eating rice can contribute to increased gas and bloating. According to Bansal, cold slows down the digestion process. Due to which carbohydrate fermentation takes place in the intestine. This fermentation produces gas. Which leads to discomfort bloating and even flatulence. Constipation may also occur in some individuals due to slow digestion.
Nutritional Imbalance
Cold food lacks freshness. It may be low in essential nutrients like vitamins, iron and antioxidants.
Slow Digestion
Consuming cold food can lower your core body temperature It is possible. Due to which the metabolic rate can decline. This decrease in metabolic activity can make you feel lethargic.
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