Aware Of Concerns, Reporting About Ties To China, But We Can’t…: US On NewsClick Raids


The US Department of State on Tuesday stated that it is aware of the raids on Indian journalists and the allegations of the NewsClick platform’s links to China. In a statement, Vedant Patel, Principal Deputy Spokesperson for the US Department of State, acknowledged the reports but refrained from commenting on their veracity. This statement came in the wake of the Delhi Police arresting NewsClick founder Prabir Purkayastha and HR head Amit Chakravarty. 

“We are aware of those concerns and have seen that reporting about this outlet’s ties to the PRC (People’s Republic of China), but we can’t comment yet on the veracity of those claims,” Patel stated, as per news agency PTI.

He further emphasised the United States’ unwavering support for the vital role of the media, including social media, in a vibrant and free democracy. Patel highlighted that the US government consistently raises concerns regarding such matters with the Indian government and other countries around the world through diplomatic channels, which form a core aspect of their bilateral relationships.

“We have urged the Indian government, as we have done with other countries, to recognise the importance of respecting the human rights of journalists, including freedom of expression both online and offline,” Patel added.

However, on specific details regarding the news outlet in question, Patel stated that he did not possess any additional information.

The Delhi Police arrests followed extensive searches at more than 30 locations and the questioning of several journalists. The case has been filed under the anti-terror law UAPA (Unlawful Activities Prevention Act) based on allegations that the portal received funds for pro-China propaganda, news agency PTI reported.

During the operation, Delhi Police sealed NewsClick’s office in Delhi, questioned 46 suspects, and confiscated digital devices, including laptops and mobile phones, along with documents for further examination. Among those interrogated were prominent journalists such as Urmilesh, Aunindyo Chakravarty, Abhisar Sharma, Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, as well as historian Sohail Hashmi, satirist Sanjay Rajoura, and D. Raghunandan from the Centre for Technology & Development, as per PTI’s reported.

While these individuals were questioned for over six hours, they were eventually allowed to leave without charges.

The Congress party has strongly criticised the Centre in the wake of Prabir Purkayastha’s arrest, alleging that the government has imposed an undeclared Emergency since 2014, which the party claims are intensifying due to perceived electoral threats in 2024. 

In a statement, Congress general secretary Jairam Ramesh referred to the arrest and voiced concerns over what he described as “vengeance” against journalist Paranjoy Guha Thakurta for his investigative work.

ALSO READ | NewsClick Founder Arrested As Office Sealed, Journo Says Quizzed About Covering Protests. Top Points


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