Attention Panchak is going to be held after 3 days, this time ‘Mrityu Panchak’ is formed


Mrityu Panchak 2023: Panchak is considered very inauspicious in the scriptures, it is prohibited to do auspicious work on five days of Panchak. Panchak takes place every month and they are of different types like Rog Panchak, Raj Panchak, Agni Panchak, Mrityu Panchak and Chor Panchak. Mrityu Panchak is going to be held in May this year. It is a belief that if someone dies during the Mrityu Panchak period, the clouds of trouble start hovering over his family. Let’s know when the Mrityu Panchak will start, what to do and what not to do in this Panchak.

Mrityu Panchak 2023 from when to when (When is Mrityu Panchak 2023 Date)

Mrityu Panchak will start on May 13, 2023 at 12:18 am and will end on May 17, 2023 at 07:39 am.

dharma reels

What is Mrityu Panchak? (What is Mrityu Panchak?)

According to astrological calculations, Panchak starts from Saturday, it is called Mrityu Panchak. death in the meantime. As the name suggests, this Panchak is as troublesome as death.

Do not do this work in Mrityu Panchak (Mrityu Panchak Rules)

During the five days of Mrityu Panchak, roofing, making cots, avoid traveling in the south direction. By doing this, due to the effect of Panchak, there is a danger of dispute, injury, accident etc. Mrityu Panchak is considered very inauspicious. If a person dies in this Panchak, then it is believed that 5 more people will die in the same village, so on death in Panchak, cremation of the deceased is done only after performing special rituals.

what to do in death panchak

On the death of someone during the Mrityu Panchak period, along with cremating his dead body, there is a law to make five effigies of Kush and perform their last rites according to law, so that the inauspicious results of Panchak can be avoided.

What is Panchak?

‘ Dhanishtha-Panchakam Grame Shadbhisha-Kulpanchakam.

Purvabhadrapada-Rathya: Chotara Grihapanchakam.

Revati grambahyan ch etat panchak-lakshanam.

According to astrology, there are total 27 constellations. In these 27 constellations, the combination of the last five constellations – Dhanishtha, Shatabhisha, Purvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati constellations is called Panchak. The combination of these five constellations is inauspicious. According to astrology, when the Moon transits on Aquarius and Pisces, then Panchak takes place.

Vat Savitri Vrat 2023: Vat Savitri Vrat is on this day, know the date of Vat Savitri Amavasya and Purnima Vrat, auspicious time

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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