Police in Pakistan’s Punjab province on Friday detained two more suspects who they say sold the weapon and ammunition for PKR 20,000 to Naveed Mohammad Basheer, the assailant who attempted to murder former Prime Minister Imran Khan during a political event, as per a media source, news agency PTI.
Khan, 70, was shot in the right leg on Thursday when Basheer opened fire on him in Punjab province, where he was leading a protest march against the government.
Basheer later admitted to attacking Khan because “he was attempting to mislead the people.” According to police sources, two additional suspects — Waqas and Sajid Butt — sold Basheer a weapon and ammunition for PKR 20,000, adding that the pistol lacked a serial number and a license, PTI reported.
According to police authorities, they were apprehended in Wazirabad, Punjab province.
According to eyewitnesses, Basheer shot at close range on the container-mounted truck transporting Khan, news agency PTI reported.
According to his party, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Khan was transferred by vehicle to his own-built Shaukat Khanum medical center in Lahore, where a procedure was conducted and he remained stable thereafter.
His party stated that he is now stable and that he intends to resume his protest march.
Imran’s supporters demonstrated against the gun assault. They congregated at various locations around the country.
PTI supporters gathered outside the Punjab Governor House in Lahore on Friday to condemn the gun assault on former Prime Minister Imran Khan, The police began using tear gas at the Faizabad Interchange after PTI supporters flung stones at security officers, according to The Dawn.
Hundreds of PTI supporters came to the streets in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Shangla district, blocking Alpuri, Puran, and other roads, The Dawn reported.
Protesters yelled anti-federal government chants, particularly against Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, The Dawn reported.
(With Inputs From Agencies)
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