Astrology: The hand of this important planet is behind the swelling of the stomach or related diseases.


Astrology Guru: Planets are also related to your good health. When the planets are benefic, the person acquires a healthy and perfect physique, but when they are inauspicious, they give opposite results. Similarly, in astrology, Jupiter is considered to be the cause of stomach related diseases.

According to the scriptures, the planet Jupiter has been considered as the natural factor of health. When it is auspicious in the horoscope, it saves from even the most serious diseases, but if the planet Jupiter is inauspicious and the disease is flourishing because of Jupiter, then only God can protect it. It is also said so. That’s why it is considered very important to keep Jupiter auspicious.

Fruit of Jupiter
According to astrology, the planet Jupiter always gives auspicious results. It gives inauspicious results only in adverse circumstances. In the scriptures only Brihaspati has been considered as the teacher of the deities. That is why he is called Dev Guru Brihaspati.

Description of Jupiter in the texts (Jupiter Mythological Significance)
The description of planet Jupiter is also found in ancient texts. The glory of Brihaspati has also been described in Taittiriya Brahmin and Rigveda. In Shabdkalpadrum, he has been described as the son of Angiras Rishi. He is the teacher of the gods. The birth of Brihaspati has been told in Taittiriya Brahmin. It is also mentioned in Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran.

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diseases caused by Jupiter
Some of the diseases discussed in astrology texts due to the planet Jupiter are as follows-

  1. Gastric Trouble
  2. Boil-Rasoli
  3. Typhoid fever
  4. obesity
  5. Lever
  6. kidney

Jupiter behind Stomach Related Diseases
The relation of Jupiter i.e. Jupiter has been said to be important for stomach related diseases. If there is a digestive problem, then somewhere the Jupiter is giving inauspicious results. Along with this, if there are repeated complaints about Motijhara, then it also means that the power of the Jupiter is weakening.

Remedy of Jupiter
The Jupiter planet i.e. Jupiter has been considered the factor of intelligence, respect, elder brother, wealth, source of income, son and higher education etc. When there is a problem related to them, it shows the weakness of this planet. In astrology, measures have also been given to keep Jupiter auspicious, which are as follows-

Bathing with turmeric water
Turmeric has a special relation with the planet Jupiter. The planet Jupiter also represents yellow colored things. It is believed that mixing a pinch of turmeric in the bath water removes the malefic effects of Jupiter.

Donate these things on Thursday (Guru Ka Daan)
Thursday is considered the best day to get the blessings of Jupiter. Donating education material on this day and helping poor students also strengthens Jupiter.

Ekadashi Vrat
The fast of Ekadashi is considered the best among all the fasts. This fast is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. The planet Jupiter has a special relationship with Lord Vishnu. It is believed that observing fast on Ekadashi removes the malefic effects of Jupiter. Along with this, worshiping Satyanarayan and Lakshmi ji also removes the weakness of this planet.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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