Are your eyes always red? You will get relief by trying this kitchen item


Red Eyes Infection: Many times the eyes become red while working on the computer throughout the day or due to dust and dirt outside. Because of which there is a complaint of irritation and infection in the eyes. Some people always have red eyes. But ignoring the problem of eyes can be harmful for you. Because our eyes are very delicate and they work from morning till night. In such a situation, it is necessary to always take care of the eyes in time. Many times even after waking up in the morning, the eyes start to look red due to necessity. But do you know that if your eyes are turning red for a long time then it is called conjunctivitis infection. Today in this article, we will tell you how you can get rid of this problem at home. You can get rid of redness of the eyes with some things present in your kitchen.

Try these things to get rid of red eyes problem getting rid of

To reduce the redness of the eyes, using aloe vera gel will give a lot of relief. Just take some water in a bowl and mix aloe vera gel in it. After this, take two cotton pieces and dip them in water and keep them in the fridge. Now after one hour, apply these cotton pieces over the eyes for at least twenty minutes. After applying this, the redness of the eyes will reduce. Aloe vera gel is very effective for eye problems. Apart from this, milk is always there in everyone’s kitchen, to eliminate the redness of the eyes, mix lukewarm milk and honey in a bowl. Put a piece of cotton in it and keep it on the eyes. You will feel very comfortable by applying cotton on the eyes for at least half an hour.

Tea bags will be beneficial in the problem of red eyes

If your eyes are getting red or swollen then green tea bags are very beneficial. All you have to do is keep these tea bags in the fridge for a while and use them. Applying tea bags on the eyes twice a day for at least twenty minutes gives a lot of relaxation. Apart from this, castor oil is also considered very beneficial for the eyes. If there is redness or burning sensation in the eyes, then applying castor oil ie castor oil is beneficial. Keep in mind that put only one or two drops of this oil in the eyes. Adding too much oil can cause damage. Fix the problem of the eyes as soon as possible, the problem of the eyes can take a fatal form for a long time.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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