Most Searched Disease In Google: Only a few days are left for the year 2022 to end. This year has been in discussion for many reasons. As soon as the year began, diseases like Covid troubled people, and as time progressed, diseases like cold, cough and cold also started troubling people. These diseases were searched the most on Google. Along with this, their home remedies were also searched. Let us know about those diseases which were searched the most on the internet this year.
looking for a way to lose weight
The way people’s weight increased after the lockdown, it increased the problem. People fiercely searched for weight loss tips on Google. Some chose a healthy diet, some exercised and some chose yoga.
tips to improve immunity
Since the era of Kovid-19, people searched a lot on Google for Immunity boosting tips on Google. To improve immunity, a lot of search was done on Google about things like decoction made of spices to beneficial fruits, vegetables or grains for immunity.
remedies to cure cold
As soon as Kovid-19 started, diseases like cold cough or sore throat were searched a lot. People gathered a lot of information about them from the internet. There was a search for ways and remedies to avoid them.
decoction recipe
To improve immunity, the recipe of decoction (Kadha Recipe) was searched a lot on Google. Which spices should be used. From basil, liquorice, black pepper to the perfect quantity of turmeric, a search was done on Google.
ways to avoid covid
The way Kovid spread panic this year, people remained imprisoned in a house. During this, he searched Google for ways to avoid Covid 19. From sanitization to ventilators and meditation, maximum information was gathered from the search engine.
ways to relieve constipation
During Kovid, due to wrong lifestyle, mental pressure, people also faced problems like acidity. Since people were at home during that time, a lot of information was gathered about it on Google. Remedies for constipation and home remedies were searched a lot on the search engine.
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