Answer key of GATE 2023 exam will be released tomorrow, this way you can check


​GATE 2023 Provisional Answer Key: There is good news for the candidates who appeared in the GATE 2023 exam. Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur will soon release the answer key for this exam. This exam was organized in the past. Whose answer key will now be issued by the institute tomorrow. Candidates appearing in the exam will be able to download the answer key by visiting the official site Apart from this, candidates can also download the answer key through the steps mentioned here.

After releasing the answer key by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur, candidates will be able to challenge it from February 22 to February 25. IIT Kanpur conducted GATE 2023 on February 4, 5, 11 and 12 at exam centers across the country. GATE 2023 results will be declared on 16 March. While the scorecards will be issued on March 21. The response sheet of this exam was released by IIT Kanpur.

that’s why exams happen

Through the GATE exam, the student is selected for post graduation studies in the country’s famous engineering college. This is a kind of national level exam. Through this, you get admission in the famous college of our country for post graduation course and PhD.

Who can apply

Candidates should have passed Graduation in Engineering / Technology (BE/B.Tech) in any relevant science discipline. Apart from this, students can also apply for the examination during the final year of these courses.

In this way you will be able to download the answer key

  • Step 1: First of all candidates visit the official website
  • Step 2: After that go to the candidate login portal.
  • Step 3: Then enter the candidate login ID.
  • Step 4: After this, the answer key will be displayed on the screen in front of the candidate.
  • Step 5: Now candidates can check and download the answer key.
  • Step 6: Finally, take a print out of the answer key.

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