Air pollution can cause heart attack, know how dangerous pollution is for the heart


Heart Disease Caused By Air Pollution: Poison has started dissolving in the air of Delhi NCR even before Diwali. Pollution has also started increasing with a slight coolness in the weather-evening. Every year on Diwali, due to stubble burning and firecrackers, a sheet of pollution spreads in Delhi and its surrounding areas. Diwali After the cold and smog becomes trouble for the people. This smoke is very injurious to health. Air pollution has the greatest effect on the lungs, but do you know that this pollution is also dangerous for your heart. Air pollution can increase the risk of many diseases related to heart health. According to a report by the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the risk of heart attack and heart diseases is increasing due to prolonged exposure to air pollution.

Due to increasing air pollution
Diesel and petrol vehicles are the major cause of pollution in Delhi NCR. Apart from this, every year burning of stubble also creates smoke. The smoke that comes out of factories and power plants is injurious to health. Fertilizers in agriculture, burning of wood, cigarette smoke, pollen in the atmosphere and construction smoke are the reasons for increasing pollution.

How harmful is air pollution for the heart?
Air pollution is affecting your heart. If you breathe in contaminated air, then air pollution ie its particles can go deep into the bloodstream reaching the lungs and heart. This can increase the risk of heart diseases in the long run.

Pollution is the enemy of the heart

  • Pollution can make the blood vessels narrow and hard, which can affect the blood flow in the body.
  • In such a situation, the chances of forming a blood clot are high.
  • To transport blood to other parts of the body, it has to be pumped rapidly, due to which the blood pressure starts increasing.
  • This increases the pressure on the heart muscles.
  • This can affect the electrical system of the heart which controls the heartbeat.
  • Due to this, the heart rate in your body can worsen.
  • This is the reason that all these factors increase the risk of heart failure somewhere.
  • People who have heart problems are at increased risk of heart attack due to prolonged exposure to air pollution.

How to avoid air pollution?
1- Take a good diet- Take a healthy diet to avoid any kind of pollution or infection. This will strengthen immunity and your body will be able to fight diseases. Include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in the diet. This makes the immune system strong. Include plenty of green vegetables, fruits, whole grains in the diet. Drink lukewarm water and plenty of water.
2- Exercise- Exercise is essential to stay healthy. If you want to make the body healthy and remove toxins from the blood, then make a habit of exercise. Due to this, the blood flow in the body remains good and the heart remains healthy. Exercise in a place where there is natural air. If there is more pollution outside, then exercise only by staying at home.
3- Adopt healthy habits- Stay away from such habits which are dangerous for your health. Stay at home when pollution is high and wear a mask if you go out of the house. Don’t smoke and drink. Try to at least use public transport. ride a bicycle

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