Steam For Babies: An old tradition has been going on for years that when winter or If there is a cold, the elders in the house advise to take steam or steam. Actually it proves to be very beneficial. Taking steam is beneficial for opening a blocked nose. The moisture present in the air loosens the mucus accumulated in the nose and makes breathing easier. Along with this, it is considered good to take steam or steam to remove the problem of sore throat and cough, but this has happened to the elders.. Now the question is whether this steam should be given to children or those who are infants. Want it or not?
According to doctors, by inhaling steam, one can get rid of problems like blocked nose, shortness of breath, cold in the baby. For this you can use vaporizer or humidifier. With its help, the water gets heated and the steam of hot water goes into the nose and throat, which relieves the symptoms of cold and flu. According to doctors, it is safe to give steam to the child but with some precautions
What precautions should be taken while giving steam to the baby!
- To give steam to the child, it is better to use a vaporizer instead of coming in contact with hot water, this device is safe.
- Humidifier is more safe for children as it does not use hot water vaporizer and Humidifiers both add moisture to the air, which helps reduce cold symptoms.
- Take special care of the cleanliness of the device with which you are giving steam to the child, otherwise there may be a risk of spreading the infection.
- automatic shut off vaporizer Use it, the appliance will turn off after heating the water for a specified time.
- If you are giving direct steam with hot water to the child, then keep in mind that the child should not go too close to the water, there is a possibility of burning.
- Do not put vaporb in water, instead you can add a pinch of salt.
Does taking steam also increase immunity?
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Let us tell you that taking steam helps in keeping the respiratory part healthy. But it does not boost immunity. This only gives relief from blocked nose. If you take steam by adding mint oil in water in cold and cold, it is expected to provide quick relief.
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