Admit card release for Excise Constable exam, must follow these guidelines on the day of exam


MPPEB Releases Excise Constable Exam Admit Card 2023: Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board has released the admit card for the examination to be held for the post of MPPEB Excise Constable. Those candidates who are giving this exam of MPPEB can download the admit card by visiting the official website. To do this, the address of the official website of Madhya Pradesh Professional Examination Board is –, Admit card can be downloaded by following the steps mentioned from here.

Exam will be held on this date

MPPEB Excise Constable exam will be organized on 20 February 2023. On this day the exam will be conducted in two shifts. The first shift will be from 10 am to 12 am. The second shift will be from 3 pm to 5 pm.

These posts are of Excise Constable (Executive) Direct and Backlog. A total of 313 regular and 149 backlog posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.

Keep these guidelines in mind on the day of examination

  • Along with the admit card, MPPEB has also issued guidelines for the exam.
  • Under this, they have to take care of social distancing. Along with this, keeping in mind the health of yourself and your colleagues, you have to take special care of hygiene.
  • From the point of view of safety, PEB has advised that the candidates should not take any other item to the center except the items which are allowed. However, arrangements will be made to store bags at the centre.
  • Candidates have to reach the venue according to the reporting time given in the admit card.
  • The items that are allowed to be carried are Admit Card and ID Card, Simple and Transparent Boiler Pen, Additional Photograph to be affixed on the Attendance Sheet, Personal Hand Sanitizer in 50 ml bottle, Transparent Water Bottle.

You can click on this direct link to download the admit card.

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