Vacancy for more than 1000 posts including stenographer in DRDO, know from when you can apply


DRDO CEPTTAM 2022 : There is good news for the job aspirants. Defense Research and Development Organization under DRDO Center for Personal Talent Management (CEPTAM) has recruited many posts including Stenographer. Under these recruitment process, a total of 1061 posts will be recruited. The process of application for these posts has not started yet. The application process will start from 7th November. And the last date to apply has been fixed as 7th December 2022. Interested and eligible candidates who want to apply for these posts can You can go to apply online.

Vacancy Details

CEPTAM has released 1061 vacancies for the posts of Stenographer Grade I, Junior Technician Officer, Stenographer Grade II, Administrative Assistant A, Store Assistant A, Security Assistant A, Vehicle Operator A, Fire Engine Driver A and Fireman.

Application fee

The candidates applying for these posts have to pay Rs 100 as application fee, which will have to be paid through online. There is complete relaxation in fee for SC, ST, PWD, ESM categories candidates and all female candidates.

Can apply?

For Junior Translation Officer posts, candidates should have PG in English/Hindi with studied Hindi/English as one of the subjects in Graduation. For Stenographer Grade 1 Posts, Graduation with speed of 100 words per minute should be able to do Dictation for 10 minutes and its transcription in 40 minutes.

Age Range

The maximum age of the candidates applying for these posts should be 30 years only. Age relaxation will also be given as per government rules.

how will the selection

Tier-1 Computer Based Test
Tier-2 Trade/Skill/Physical Fitness & Ability Test etc.
Tier-3- Descriptive Paper

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