<p><strong>Israel-Hamas War: </strong>Hello and welcome to the live blog on Israel-Hamas war. Follow this space for all the live and latest updates.</p>
<p>The escalation between Israel and Hamas entered its fifth day on Wednesday with attacks and counter-attacks from both the sides. On Tuesday evening, six rockets from southern Lebanon were fired towards northern Israel while Palestinian militant group Hamas was attacking the Israeli city of Ashkelon with rocket fire. The group warned civilians to leave before the barrage began.</p>
<p>Over 1,800 people from both the sides have been killed so far in the escalations with over 4,250 people injured. The Palestinian health ministry said that around 849 Palestinians have been killed while Israeli military officials have stated that the death toll from Hamas attacks has surpassed 1,000 in the country. </p>
<p>President Joe Biden on Tuesday condemned the Hamas attacks on Israel as an "unadulterated evil unleashed on the world" saying that the militant group’s stated purpose is to annihilate the state of Israel and kill Jewish people.</p>
<p>“There are moments in this life – and I mean this literally – when pure, unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world. The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend. The bloody hands of the terrorist organisation Hamas – a group whose stated purpose for being is to kill Jews,” Biden said in his address to the nation from the White House.</p>
<p>He also said that 14 Americans have been killed in the action. </p>
<p>Meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed US’ foreign policy for the Isral-Palestine issue. He criticised the U.S. saying it “tried to monopolise the settlement, but, regrettably hasn’t bothered to search for compromises that would be acceptable to both parties and, just the opposite, sought to enforce their own view of how it should be done, exerting pressure on both parties.”</p>
<p>Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday that Moscow is talking to both Israel and the Palestinians to help reach a settlement. </p>
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