People of Aries, Leo, Capricorn, zodiac should not do this work, know today’s horoscope of all 12 zodiac signs


Horoscope Today 17 June 2023, Today’s Daily Horoscope: According to astrology, 17th June 2023, Saturday is an important day. Chaturdashi Tithi will again be Amavasya Tithi till 09:12 this morning. Rohini Nakshatra will again remain Mrigashira Nakshatra till 04:25 pm today. Today Vashi Yoga, Anandadi Yoga, Sunfa Yoga, Shool Yoga, Sarvamrit Yoga will be supported by planets. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius, then you will get the benefit of Shash Yoga. Moon will be in Taurus. Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today, today there are two times.

There will be Abhijeet Muhurta from 12:15 to 01:30 pm and Labh-Amrit Choghadiya from 02:30 to 03:30 pm. There, Rahukal will be there from 09:00 am to 10:30 am. What is Saturday bringing for other zodiac signs? Let’s know today’s horoscope (Rashifal in Hindi)-

Moon will remain in the second house so that it can fulfill its moral values ​​and responsibilities well. There may be a trip abroad regarding the business of a foreign businessman. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa Yoga, the day will be favorable for you at the workplace. You will be troubled by any kind of infection problem. Your mood can create trouble in love and married life. After a long time on weekends, you can participate in spiritual programs with your family. Sports persons will perform well on the ground, which will boost their confidence.
Lucky Colour- Blue No-3

Taurus (Taurus)-
The moon will remain in your zodiac, so that you can do meditation to keep your mind calm. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa Yoga, positive thinking in business will increase the growth of business. You will get the support of seniors on the workspace, as well as your work will be appreciated. Some problems coming in love and married life will be solved. There can be financial gain from elders in the family. You will be troubled by the problems of throat infection. Students should avoid over confidence. “Confidence is a valuable quality, but overconfidence is a sign of a sick mentality.” Your actions at the social level will increase your identity.
Lucky Colour- Brown, No-1

Gemini (Gemini)-
Moon will remain in the 12th house, so that by making new contacts, you will increase your work. Doing any kind of careless in online business will be harmful for you. Due to excessive work on the workspace, your health can get disturbed. There may be an obstacle in any religious work in the family. There can be squabbles in love and married life on weekends. Looking at the next election, politicians should pay attention to the choice of their words on any platform. The confidence level of the students will remain high. “The important key to success is confidence, the important key to confidence is preparation.”
Lucky Colour- Red, No-8

Cancer (Cancer)-
Moon will remain in the 11th house so that plans can be made with elder brother to increase the income.
With your cleverness, you will be able to sell the old stock of the business through any kind of offer. “Wisdom is the fire that can show the courage to light up the whole world alone.” The work pressure on the workspace will be less. Do not interfere too much in the domestic matter of the family. There will be sweetness in the relationship in love and married life. The day will be better in terms of health. Career related traveling will be lucky for you on weekends. The confidence and energy level of the sports person will remain high.
Lucky Colour- Silver, No-4

Lion (Leo)-
Moon will be in the 10th house so that the elders of the house follow the footsteps of elders. Will succeed in increasing the growth of the business by bringing new offers in the insurance sector business. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa yoga, you will move forward by winning over the small problems coming in the workplace. Include Yoga-Pranayama in your life in terms of health. “Whether it is morning or evening, do yoga everyday, no disease will come near you.” Enmity with anyone in the family will end. The day will be full of tension due to the behavior of love and life partner. Someone’s advice will be good for you on some work at the social and political level. General and competitive students need to concentrate on studies and do future planning.
Lucky Colour- Maroon, No-5

Virgo (Virgo)-
Moon will be in the 9th house due to which your knowledge will increase by reading good books. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa Yoga, there will be a lot of profit in the health sector business. To increase the sales of your products, you can make a plan to make a famous face a brand ambassador. Marketing related job person will get profit. There will be a relaxed atmosphere in the family, which will make you happy throughout the day. In love and married life, you need to control your speech and stubborn nature. The advice of a famous person can be useful for a politician, which he will follow. In terms of health, there can be a problem of body pan. You can meet an old friend while traveling.
Lucky Colour- Purple, No-2

Moon will remain in the 8th house, due to which there may be differences with uncle in Dadial. Due to lack of manpower in the business, you will have to face more difficulties in completing the orders on time. Conditions will remain tense. Due to the work done in haste on the workspace, your work done will get worse. The increasing expenditure in the family is no less than a tension for you. “Worry is like a funeral pyre, so don’t worry, think.” If you are aware of your health, then the day will be good for you. Relationship can deteriorate in love and married life. At the social and political level, do not take any kind of decision being emotional, whatever decision you take, it will be better for you if you take it after thinking carefully. Students should avoid distraction in their studies and keep their morale high.
Lucky Colour- Green, No-9

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Moon will be in the 7th house so that you can plan business expansion with your business partner. You may get new orders in the cloth business, as well as if you are planning for a new business, then do it between 12.15 to 1.30 pm and 2.30 to 3.30 pm. Looking at your smart work, you can be entrusted with the responsibility of any important work at the workspace. Will spend better time with love and life partner. Staying calm in the family will face the upcoming problems. Your day will be good in terms of health. Players will try to break their own record by being busy in academic activities.
Lucky Colour- Yellow, No-8

Moon will be in the 6th house, so take the advice of your elders to reduce the debt. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa Yoga, you will be successful in trying to get profit by making some changes in partnership business. New avenues of jobs can open for unemployed and employed persons. Students need to control their laziness. You will get the help of your parents on any problem in the family. Need to believe on love and life partner. Traveling suddenly will make you irritable and tense. Due to some work of politicians, their respect will increase.
Lucky Colour- White, No-4

Moon will remain in the 5th house, due to which some changes will be made in the studies of the students, they will get success. Due to the formation of Vasi, Shool, Sarvaamrit and Sunfa yoga, you will get new proposals in the online supply business, which will increase your wealth. Teamwork at workspace will be the secret of your success. You will easily solve the difficulty coming in the family. Any advice from elders at the social level will prove to be a milestone for you. Will spend thrilling moments with love and life partner. Mild fever can cause your problems in terms of health. Put more emphasis on learning and understanding the students week subjects and keep focus on your goal.
Lucky Colour- Red, No-1

Moon will be in the fourth house due to which there may be some problems in the renovation of the house. Before making any kind of investment in business, do research on it. Do not take any kind of risk in the matter of business. The matter of being aware of the seniors’ talk on the workspace can come up to your job. The day will be full of troubles for you at the social and political level, you should avoid making any kind of comments. Love and life partner’s anger will have to be faced on the weekend. There can be an argument in the family regarding the property. Diabetes patients will remain a little worried. “Pehla Sukh Nirogi Kaya.”Students will have to change their daily routine to be successful.
Lucky Colour- Brown, No-7

Moon will be in the third house so keep an eye on younger sister’s company. Your old compensation will be fulfilled due to the boom in chemical, oil, plastic and paints business. You will be serious about your work at the workspace. You will share your mind in Love and Married Life. Pilgrimage tour can be planned with the family on the weekend. There will be peace and happiness in the family, due to which your health will improve due to the decrease in tension. In terms of health, the day will be normal. To get competitive students success, stay away from shortcuts. “There is no shortcut to success, work hard for it.”
Lucky Colour- Sky Blue, No-3


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