Do this remedy on Thursday, Guru Dosh will go away, there will be progress in job and business


Guru’s Remedies: Thursday or Thursday is considered very auspicious in all the days of the week in Hinduism. Thursday is related to happiness, good fortune and prosperity. Along with this, this day is also related to Lord Vishnu and Jupiter.

By observing a fast on Thursday and worshiping properly, one gets freedom from all the troubles of life and auspicious results are also obtained from the planet Jupiter. The planet Jupiter has been considered the factor of happiness, fortune, wealth etc. By his grace all the works are completed.

That’s why astrology has told about some measures related to Thursday, by doing which on Thursday many problems like problems in job, loss in business, financial problems etc. can be removed. Know about these measures.

Thursday’s Remedies

  • For profit in business: If there is a loss in business for a long time, then go to the temple on Thursday and apply turmeric garland. Along with this, wear yellow clothes on Thursday and apply turmeric tilak. By doing this remedy, Guru’s blessings are showered and there is profit in business.
  • For promotion in job: If you are worried about lack of promotion or increment in job, then use yellow color as much as possible on Thursday and worship Lord Vishnu by offering yellow fruits and flowers. Take a yellow colored cloth and tie yellow flowers, coconut, yellow fruits, turmeric and salt in it. Keep these things in the steps of the temple and come. But keep in mind that during this time do not say anything to anyone.
  • For happiness and prosperity: Wake up early in the morning on Thursday and take a bath. After this, worship Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi together. Make sure to offer banana, gram dal and jaggery in worship and recite Vishnu Sahasranama. By doing this remedy, blessings come to the house and with the grace of Goddess Lakshmi, the house is filled with wealth and grains.
  • To get rid of Guru Dosha: If the planet Jupiter is weak in the horoscope or there is a Jupiter defect, then for this on Thursday add a pinch of turmeric in the bath water. “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” Saying take a bath.

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that Does not represent, validate or verify information of any kind. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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