Are you also confused between hydration and moisturization, then know what is the difference between the two


The air absorbs the moisture of the face and makes it dry. Due to the same dryness, wrinkles start appearing on the face, due to which the beauty of the face starts deteriorating. Whenever it comes to moisture, two words that are used a lot are hydration and moisturization. Usually people get confused in these two words and make the mistake of considering both of them as one. But there is a slight difference between the two. Let us know what is the difference between hydration and moisturization. 

What is hydration? 

Hydration means meeting the lack of water. Hydration is not only important for your skin, but for the whole body. Being a victim of dehydration can worsen a person’s health and can also lead to death in serious condition. That’s why we have to drink water several times a day to keep the body hydrated. But is water alone enough to keep the skin hydrated? The answer is no. You must have noticed that when you wash your face with water, you feel fine for some time, but after that the skin starts getting dry. This is because the water evaporates along with the natural oils of the skin and the skin becomes dry.

What is moisturization?

Moisturization is a cream made by mixing several oils and gels that form a layer on your skin. Moisture and natural oils are locked under this layer, which does not dehydrate the skin. The outside air doesn’t strip the moisturizer of your skin’s natural oils, so skin stays glowing and soft. In this way, moisturization means locking the skin’s natural moisture and oil.

Which is more important in hydration and moisturization? 

Now this question must be coming in your mind that what is more correct for the face in hydration and moisturization. So the answer is both. Hydration is necessary for the face so that the face remains moist, for this, water should be drunk as much as possible and water-rich foods like cucumber, cucumber, watermelon, fruits, etc. should be eaten. Talk about moisturization, it is necessary so that the moisture from inside does not come out.

What is the right way to keep the skin fresh?

The best and right way to keep the skin soft and glowing is to drink plenty of water and apply moisturizer immediately after washing the skin with soap or face wash. Apart from this, eat healthy and nutritious things which contain zinc and vitamin E. This keeps the skin healthy.

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