BDL Project Engineer Recruitment 2023: Looking for a government job and having the necessary qualifications, you can apply for these posts in BDL. Here applications have been invited from eligible candidates for the post of Project Engineer. These posts of Project Engineer or Project Officer are for different disciplines. To know the details about them, you can click on the link of the notice given below. From here you will get to know all the details regarding these recruitments. We are giving the information in brief here.
Fill the form from this website
These posts of Bharat Dynamics Limited can be applied online only. To do this, you have to go to the official website of BDL, whose address is – bdl-india.in, You can fill the online form from here.
Also know that applications for these posts have started. Apply in the prescribed format. Last date to fill the form 23 June 2023 Is. The form can be filled till 5 pm on this date. A total of 100 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.
Who can apply
To apply for these posts, the candidate must have passed engineering with at least 60 percent marks from the concerned branch. This is a basic requirement whereas for many posts only candidates having PG in engineering can apply. Along with this, there should also be at least one year of experience in the relevant field. For example, for the post of Project Engineer Mechanical, candidates who have done B.Tech, BE or M.Tech, ME in first class can apply. Similarly, there is a difference in qualification according to each branch.
how much salary will you get
On getting selected on these posts, the candidates will get salary according to the year. For example, the salary in the first year is Rs 30,000. Rs 33,000 in the second, Rs 36,000 in the third and Rs 39,000 in the fourth. Apart from this, every year 10 thousand rupees will be given as additional allowance. The selection of candidates for these posts will be done through written examination.
what is the fee to be paid
To apply for these posts, candidates will have to pay a fee of Rs 300. SC, ST, PWD, X-SM do not have to pay anything as fee. Click here to view notice, Visit this direct link to apply,
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