Rajasthan Board will release 10th class result in the first week of June, this way you will be able to check


RBSE Rajasthan 10th Result 2023: Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has released the results of class 12th. Now the students are waiting for the 10th class results. The 10th result will be released soon by the board. Which students will be able to check by visiting the official site. Candidates will also be able to see the results through the steps given here.

This year the Rajasthan Board had conducted the class 10th examination from March 16 to April 11. According to the information, the results of class 10th will be released in the first week of June. This year 10 lakh 68 thousand 383 students had registered for the 10th class examination.

RBSE Rajasthan 10th Result 2023: roll number will be required

Students will need the roll number mentioned in their admit card or hall ticket to check their result. For more information, students can take help of the official website.

RBSE Rajasthan 10th Result 2023: This is how Rajasthan Board 10th result

  • Step 1: To check the results, students first go to the official website of Rajasthan Board, rajresults.nic.in
  • Step 2: After that click on the 10th exam result on the student home page
  • Step 3: Then students enter your roll number
  • Step 4: Now the result of the student will appear on the screen
  • Step 5: After that download the student result
  • Step 6: Finally students take a print out of the result

RBSE Rajasthan Result 2023: How was the 12th class result

A total of 92.35 percent students have passed the Arts stream examination of Rajasthan Board this year. While 95.65% students have been successful in science subject. Talking about commerce stream, 96.60% of the students got success in the examination.

Read this also- ​Madhya Pradesh Class 12th Toppers list: MP Board released 12th class result, see toppers list here

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