Send these best wishes to married women on Vat Savitri Vrat


Happy Vat Savitri 2023 Wishes: Vat Savitri fast, which gives the boon of good luck, longevity and health, will be observed on 19 May 2023. On this day, married women worship the banyan tree and Goddess Savitri and pray for the well being and happy married life of their husbands. This fast is considered as auspicious as Karva Chauth, it is a mythological belief that on the day of Jyestha Amavasya, Satyavan, the husband of Goddess Savitri, was given life again by Yamraj, therefore this fast has special significance for every married woman. With the wish of unbroken good luck, the married women of Vat Savitri Vrat congratulate each other for this fast by sending messages of best wishes. You can also wish your loved ones on Vat Savitri Vrat by sending these wonderful messages and quotes from here.

May this festival of unbroken good fortune bring happiness in your married life.
Sorrows go away, you live together for seven births

This prayer is on the fast of Vat Savitri, stay safe
May every wish come true, best wishes to you on this auspicious fast

May this festival of Vat Savitri Vrat bring thousands of happiness.
This is our prayer, married women should celebrate this festival every time.
stay safe you and your family

dharma reels

we both will live together for 7 births
will celebrate every moment together
Happy Vat Savitri

you and me in happiness and sorrow
will accompany every moment
not one birth but seven births
we will be husband and wife

I have kept the fast, with just one wish
May you live long and meet you in every birth
we have each other

This relationship of both of you husband and wife
keep laughing always
May disaster never come on both of you

May the bangles always jingle in your hands
Vermilion is decorated in demand
keep the smile on your lips
Happy Vat Savitri

Raw cotton thread tied to banyan tree
There should always be dawn of happiness in the life of husband and wife.
Never break the thread of this beautiful relationship

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Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not confirm any kind of recognition, information. Before implementing any information or belief, consult the relevant expert.


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