Heart diseases can be cured by laughing openly…Experts have also agreed on this


Laughing Benefits: Do you know how fit your one laugh can make you. Yes, this is not a joke but it is true. You make yourself better when you laugh. We are not saying this, but experts believe so. Actually, laughing releases many types of chemicals from our body which are considered essential for the heart. When you laugh, your mind is less stressed. Endorphin is released. Dopamine hormone starts increasing. The risk of heart attack decreases. Apart from this, laughing makes your lungs strong. Blood circulation is also correct and you can avoid many serious diseases. Let us know what other benefits can be had by laughing.

make youngIf you want to stay young for a long time then laugh openly. 15 facial muscles work together by smiling and laughing. The effect of blood increases towards the face, due to which the person looks young.

BP control remains- People who laugh a lot, their BP remains under control. Laughter improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood circulation. This can prevent heart attack or heart related diseases. Actually when you laugh your endorphin is released. Its direct effect increases on your BP.

internal workoutLaughing gives you an internal workout. Laughing out loud exercises the diaphragm, abdomen, breathing system and shoulders. After laughing the muscles become more relaxed.

Weight control remainsLaughter lowers your stress level. Because of which the cortisol hormone is reduced. Cortisol is called stress hormone. But laughing reduces anxiety and stress. So cortisol decreases. Due to the control of cortisol, the weight remains under control. Your calories also increase rapidly by laughing.

Heart health remains correct-Your heart rate increases when you laugh. During this you take deep breaths. Due to which the amount of oxygen in your body increases and by increasing the level of oxygen in the body, heart health becomes better.

Immunity becomes strong-Laughter also improves your immunity. Due to this, the level of oxygen in your body increases and oxygen reaches easily to all the organs through the blood. Due to this reaction, all your organs start working better and you reduce the risk of diseases.

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