Crying Benefits: ‘O paji, take a laugh too.’ On the lines of this dialogue, if someone tells you that if you cry sometimes, what would you think? It is generally believed that crying is a sign of weakness and only the weak of heart shed tears. But the thinking of science is somewhat different on this emotional issue. Science says that sometimes crying is not bad for health but good. Yes, like laughing sometimes crying is also necessary on both physical and emotional stage and it has many benefits. Let us know today what are the benefits of crying to the body and mind.
crying reduces stress
If you are feeling bad then there is no need to keep it hidden in your heart by being a great person. If you want to cry, then you should cry. This reduces the hidden bubble in the heart and reduces the tension. This reduces emotional pressure and when your stress is reduced, you will be able to feel better and make the right decisions.
crying is better for a good sleep
Some people do not sleep at night, it is actually due to mental restlessness. Crying in this way helps in sleeping well at night. You must have seen small children, immediately after crying they fall into deep sleep, many children fall asleep while crying because crying calms the mind.
crying is good for eyes
Crying improves the health of your eyes as well as your brain. When tears come out from crying, many bacteria sitting inside the eyes flow out. Tears remove many types of germs hidden in the eyes which can give many types of infections to the eyes.
Crying is important for mental health
Even if you consider crying as a weakness, but once you cry, you feel more confident. When a person is under a lot of stress, his mind comes under pressure. In such a situation, crying removes the pressure of the brain and releases oxytocin and endorphin chemicals in the body, which improves the mood and helps in relieving mental pressure and pain.
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