We do have breakfast, but if the time of eating is wrong then the body will not get the benefit.


Weight Loss Tips: Nowadays the problem of belching has become common. People are worried because of excess belly fat. Increased weight brings many diseases with it. This happens due to poor lifestyle and wrong eating habits. Belly fat becomes visible due to weight gain. People focus on yoga, exercise and diet to reduce belly fat. Some effect of this is also visible. However, sometimes belly fat does not reduce despite hard work. In such a situation, you can reduce your weight even without hard work. For this you just have to change the timing of breakfast. According to experts, by changing the time of breakfast, you can reduce your weight by about 5 kg. So let’s know what is the right time to have breakfast to lose weight…

Does breakfast cause fat gain

Due to today’s changing and deteriorating lifestyle, the time of catering has changed. It has become a habit of waking up late in the night and eating something or the other. One has to wake up early in the morning and go to college or office, because of which either one skips breakfast or eats anything on the way. Meaning there is no gap between their breakfast and dinner, due to which belly fat starts increasing.

what is the right time for breakfast

In earlier times people used to wake up early in the morning and go to sleep early in the night. That’s why breakfast is done early in the morning and dinner is also done early in the night. Then there was a long time between breakfast and dinner. According to experts, there should be a gap of at least 14 to 16 hours between dinner and breakfast.

have breakfast at this time

According to experts, you can keep yourself fit by intermittent fasting. In this, a gap has to be given in breakfast and dinner. According to a professor of genetic epidemiology at King’s College London, if you want to lose weight, have breakfast at 11 am. It has been told in a research report that keep a gap of at least 14 hours between dinner at night and breakfast in the morning. If you are having dinner at 8 or 9 in the night, then have breakfast at 11 in the morning. If you want to have breakfast early in the morning, then try to have dinner only till 6-7 in the evening. Due to this, weight control is maintained and the body also remains completely detoxified.

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