What is Panchkoti Dhan Yog, having this Yog in one’s horoscope leads one’s life like kings and emperors


Panchkoti Dhan Yoga: Many types of yoga are formed in the horoscope of a person. These yogas are formed by the combination of one or the other planet, which has a good or bad effect on a person’s life.

But there are some such yogas, which prove to be auspicious for us and Panchkoti Dhan Yoga is one of them. Panchkoti Dhan Yoga is considered very auspicious and beneficial in astrology. Know how this yoga is formed in the horoscope and what is its importance. Learn about it in detail.

How Panchkoti Dhan Yog is formed

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According to astrology, this yoga is formed due to five planets in the horoscope. Panchkoti Dhan Yog is formed when any of the planets Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Saturn is located in the center house in its own sign or exalted sign. This is also called Panch Mahapurush Yoga. There are five types of it-

Types and Benefits of Panchkoti Yoga

  • Ruchak Panchkoti Yoga: Ruchak Panchkoti Yoga is formed when Mars is situated in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn in the horoscope of a person. Due to the auspicious effect of this yoga, a person gets the benefit of land, vehicle and immovable or ancestral property.
  • Bhadra Panchkoti Yoga: Bhadra Panchkoti Yoga is formed when the planet Mercury is situated in the center of the horoscope in Gemini or Virgo. With the benefit of this yoga, a person becomes intelligent and clever. Along with this, the person lives like a king-emperor.
  • Hans Panchkoti Yoga: Hans Panchkoti Yoga is formed when Jupiter is situated in Sagittarius, Pisces or Cancer in the center of the horoscope. With the formation of this yoga, a person gets beneficial things due to the auspicious effect of the Guru. A person also gets wealth and a good son and gets respect in the society.
  • Malavya Panchkoti Yoga: Malavya Panchkoti Yoga is formed when Venus is situated in any one of the first, fourth, seventh and tenth house in a person’s horoscope, in Taurus, Libra or Pisces. By having this yoga, a person leads a happy and blissful life.
  • Shash Panchkoti Yoga: Shash Panchkoti Yoga is formed when Saturn is situated in the center of Capricorn, Aquarius or Libra in the horoscope. Such people are greatly benefited by the grace of Shani Dev and get the highest position.

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