Admit card issued for Common Management Admission Test, know what happened in the exam


CMAT 2023 Admit Card: The admit card for Common Management Admission Test has been issued by the National Testing Agency. Students were waiting for a long time for CMAT Admit Card 2023. Students who want to download the admit card for this exam can download their admit card by visiting the official website of CMAT,

how to download admit card

To download the CMAT 2023 Admit Card, students must first visit its official website. After this, by clicking on the link containing the admit card, information like your application number, date of birth will have to be filled. As soon as you complete this entire process, the admit card will open in front of you, which you can also download. Let us tell you, NTA had already issued the city intimation slip for this exam, so that the candidates can make their travel plan for the exam well in time.

The exam will be of 400 marks

According to the Common Management Test, the entrance exam of CMAT 2023 will be of 400 marks, in which a total of 100 questions will be asked from different subjects. These subjects include subjects like Quantitative Techniques and Data Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Language Comprehension, General Awareness and Innovation and Entrepreneurship. 20-20 questions will be asked from all these subjects. For every correct answer 4 marks will be given and for every wrong answer 1 mark will be deducted.

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