Debates have been going on for years on the income inequality between the rich and the poor. Even after this, this gap has been widening year after year. Especially in developing countries like India, whenever the economic conditions have become adverse, this gap (India Income Gap) has increased. During the last year, this disparity increased further, because on the one hand companies were laying off employees and cutting salaries to reduce expenses, on the other hand, the salaries of people earning more than before were being increased. This thing has come out in a recent report.
So serious is the inequality in income
Oxfam International Inequality Report, an international organization that monitors various parameters of development including income and wealth, released a report on Monday on inequality in income. According to the report, top executives of companies in India make so much money in just 4 hours, as much as common Indians take a whole year to earn. The meaning is clear that a few hours of top executives overshadows the year-long earnings of common Indians.
Reduction in the salary of common people
According to the report, during the last year, India’s 150 top executives were paid an average of $ 1 million, or about Rs 8.17 crore. On the other hand, the salary of common employees was cut. According to the report, inequality has increased in the whole world in the last year. Earnings of top executives of companies in markets such as the UK, the US and South Africa, including India, rose by 9 per cent last year, while wages for ordinary workers were cut by 3.1 per cent.
He got a hike even in the time of retrenchment.
This figure is also surprising because since last year, companies all over the world are engaged in taking various measures to reduce costs. As part of efforts to reduce costs, companies are largely laying off their employees. This process of retrenchment is also visible in all developed economies including America and Europe, and developing countries like India are also affected. Many companies are cutting the salaries of their employees. On the other hand, these companies are increasing the money of their top executives. Recently, Meta, the parent company of the social media platform Facebook, has faced a lot of criticism for this reason.
So much damage to common employees
Oxfam has prepared this report on the basis of data received from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and various government statistics departments. According to the report, during the last year, the annual payment of 1 billion workers in 50 countries has been reduced by an average of $ 685, which is about Rs 55,995. In this way, these 1 billion people have suffered a loss of 746 billion dollars i.e. about 61.04 lakh crore rupees in total earnings.
This is how inequality can be reduced
Oxfam International has been releasing reports on economic inequality for years. The institute has been focusing on the fact that there should be serious efforts to reduce economic inequality around the world, otherwise it can result in instability in the long run. Under this measure, the most prominent suggestion of Oxfam International is that wealth tax should be imposed permanently on 1 percent of the world’s richest people.
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