If you catch these changes in urine on time, you can avoid this serious disease.


Signs Of Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is a cancer that can be found in one out of seven men. It is evident from the name of this cancer that it occurs in the prostate gland. This is a gland that is below the bladder and behind the genital organ. Cancer can develop with tumors in this gland. Usually after the age of fifty there is a possibility of this cancer. When the size of prostate gland starts increasing due to tumor or any other reason. If this cancer is detected in time, it can also provide relief. In most of the cases, there are changes in the urine due to prostate cancer.

blood in urine

If blood comes while passing urine, do not make the mistake of ignoring it or taking it lightly. The cause of this blood can be prostate or bladder cancer.

slow flow

If someone feels that the flow of urine has slowed down or it is difficult to pass urine, then this is also not a matter to be ignored.

passing urine frequently

The symptoms of this cancer also include feeling of frequent urination. Often men feel that their bladder is not completely empty. Because of which he tries to pass urine again and again. While urine does not come. Especially if you feel the need to pass urine repeatedly at night, then the situation can be worrying.

trouble holding urine

There is difficulty in holding urine for a long time in this disease. Apart from these symptoms, weight loss, severe abdominal pain or swelling in the legs can also be symptoms of prostate cancer.

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