HPCL Recruitment 2023: Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited had recently recruited for the post of Graduate and Technician Diploma Apprentice. The process of application for these is going on for a long time and now the last date to apply is also going to come soon. Those candidates who have the desire and eligibility to apply for these posts of HPCL should fill the form in the prescribed format. The last date to apply is near, so do not delay and apply immediately. Last date to apply for these posts of HPCL 12 February 2023 Is. A total of 116 posts will be filled through this recruitment drive.
Who can apply
To apply, it is necessary that the candidate has obtained an engineering or IT degree from a recognized institute. As far as the age limit is concerned, candidates between 18 to 25 years can apply for these posts. Reserved category candidates will get age relaxation as per government rules. You can visit the official website to get other eligibility related details.
how to apply
Only online applications can be made for these posts. For this, the candidates have to visit the official website of Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited, whose address is – hindustanpetroleum.com, Also know that on being selected, the candidates will be given a stipend ranging from Rs 15,000 to Rs 25,000 per month.
how will be the selection
The special thing about these posts is that the selection of candidates for them will not be done through written examination but only on the basis of interview. Only those candidates who fulfill all the eligibility will be called for interview. Also know that who will be called for interview and who will not, these rights are reserved with the institute. Along with this, the institute will also decide how many candidates will be selected for the interview.
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