This is why the problem of sensitivity in the teeth increases in winters…take care with these tips


Dental Care Tips: The winter season definitely seems pleasant but it brings many problems with it. As it not only brings problems for health, it also brings problems for skin, hair and teeth. The problem of teeth increases in cold. Compared to other seasons, the sensitivity of teeth is seen more in winter, they start troubling with pain. In winter, doctors also advise to take extra care of teeth. According to doctors, one should stay away from chocolate-candy in cold weather. , Because it can increase the problem of cavity in the teeth. It is necessary to keep the mouth moist when the temperature drops. The doctor says that due to repeated visits to hot and cold places in the cold season, the soft tissues of the lining of our mouth dry up, which becomes the cause of infection.

Take care of teeth like this

Drink plenty of water-People often start drinking less water in winter. This is the reason why we feel discomfort in the teeth. Actually, due to dry air, dryness starts increasing inside the mouth. Because of this, less saliva is produced. There is a lack of good bacteria present inside the mouth and there is a problem of worms in the teeth, in such a situation it is important that we should always keep our mouth moist. Water should be drunk in large quantity.

eat less sweet Often we like to eat sweet things with tea in the form of snacks in the morning or evening, but this sweet thing tracks small bacteria that can cause infection in teeth and gums.

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Use of right toothpaste-If your teeth have become sensitive, then you should use sensitive toothbrush and toothpaste so that the problem of sensitivity does not become more.

Massage with salt and mustard oilMassage the teeth with salt and mustard oil, it can be beneficial. Salt has antibacterial properties that can help eliminate bacteria in the mouth.

Chew long Chewing cloves can help reduce toothache as well as prevent infections in the mouth.

Avoid drinking cold water, as it gets cold in winter, in such a situation, drink lukewarm water. Do not eat too hot food. Brush at least once or twice a day. Make sure to brush for at least 3 minutes. As far as possible, clean your teeth after eating sweets, stop the consumption of tea, coffee as well as cigarettes, tobacco and other intoxicants.

read this also: Winter became trouble! Cases of heart attack, high blood pressure, brain stroke are on the rise in Delhi.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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