Best Time For Tea: In our country, people who are fond of drinking tea live in almost every house. It is said about tea that the British only brought black tea, we Indianized tea by adding milk to it. Anyway, why not, we Indians adapt everything that pleases us. Now the craze for tea speaks volumes. That’s why according to an estimate, about 69 percent of Indians start their day by drinking tea. Although about 30 percent of these Indians prefer to start the day with green tea or other herbal tea.
What is the best time to drink tea?
Most people know that caffeine is found in tea. And in different research done on caffeine, it has been revealed that if caffeine is consumed in the form of tea 10 hours before sleeping at night, then tea acts like an energy booster for the body and benefits like any health drink. transmits to the body. Why is it so, know yourself…
- If you drink tea 10 hours before sleeping, you get better sleep.
- The problem of internal swelling in the body is less.
- Negativity and sadness stay away because the level of cortisol hormone remains low.
- Digestion remains good and there is no problem of constipation.
- The brain remains calm and stress does not dominate.
- Liver remains fine and hunger appears on time.
What is the best time to drink tea?
- As you have been told above that the best time to drink tea is 10 hours before sleeping. Now see according to yourself, at what time you sleep and count that 10 hours before i.e. at what time it is good for you to drink daily tea.
- However, if you are punctual and take full care of your health, then it is believed that you must have gone to sleep by 10 o’clock. That’s why the time between 12 to 1 o’clock in the day is best for your daily tea habit.
Benefits of drinking evening tea
Drinking tea in the evening is not harmful for everyone. Because there are some people for whom evening tea is like a boon. Like, people working the night shift! Along with these some other people can also enjoy evening tea without worrying about any health issue…
- Those who are not addicted to drinking tea every day in the evening
- Those who do not have acidity problem
- who have no sleep problems
- People who have very good digestion system
- people who eat food on time
- People who do not have any problem with constipation
- And those people can also enjoy evening tea, who like to drink half a cup or even less tea.
Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.
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