New Year 2023 Krishna Puja: It is said that if the new year begins with devotion and worship of God, charity and charity, then there is no decrease in prosperity throughout the year. Every task gets completed. The special thing is that the first day of the year 2023 is bringing four auspicious coincidences.
On January 1, 2023, a wonderful combination of Shiva, Siddha, Sarvartha Siddhi and Ravi Yoga is being formed, in which the worship done gives never-ending virtue. It is believed that by worshiping Shri Krishna in the beginning of the year and doing remedies, material happiness is achieved throughout the year. The childless get the happiness of a child, the married get the boon of unbroken good fortune. Let us know how to worship Shri Krishna in the new year.
sweetness in the family
The sense of queue has ended in the family. There is estrangement going on regarding money, work and property. If someone has caught the eye of the family’s happiness, then in the beginning of the year 2023, offer peacock feathers to Shri Krishna in worship and then hang it on the main door of the house chanting Om Dwarpalaya Namah: Jagray Sthapayai Swaha Mantra. It is believed that this destroys the negative energy of the house and removes the ongoing tension between the family. Love remains among the members of the house.
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strengthen the economic situation
If you want to get rid of money problems, then on the first day of the new year, anoint Shri Krishna with milk mixed with saffron. It is believed that by worshiping Kanha in this way, Mother Lakshmi becomes very happy. It is said that this will benefit money throughout the year. Economic situation will improve.
for early marriage
There is delay in marriage. If the matter of marriage gets spoiled in the beginning of the year 2023, then in the beginning of the year 2023, offer his favorite bhog to Shri Krishna and then chant this mantra 108 times – ‘Om Kleen Krishnay Vasudevay Hari: Paramatmane Pranat: Kleshnashaya Govindaya Namo Namah: Kleen Krishnay Govindaya Gopijanvallabhay Chant the ‘Swaha’ mantra. It is believed that by chanting this mantra marriageable relationships start coming soon.
child’s well-being
To get the happiness of children, worshiping Kanha is considered very fruitful. For this, fast on Pausha Putrada Ekadashi on January 2, 2023 in the new year and worship Lord Vishnu from Pitambari. Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Offer yellow sandalwood, yellow flowers, yellow cloth in worship and recite Vishnu Sahastranam wishing for the happiness and longevity of the child.
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