What is cold pressed technique, know which cold pressed oil is best to eat


Best Cold Pressed Oil: Mustard oil, refined oil or any kind of seed oil like sunflower oil, soybean oil, sesame oil is used for cooking in most of the homes. Nowadays it is advisable to use cold pressed oil in food.

Actually cold pressed technique is that in which oil is extracted by pressing seeds from any center without heat machine. This maintains the taste, aroma and nutritiveness of the oil. This oil is more pure than other oils.

Nutrition experts say that this oil is more beneficial for health. Although cold pressed oil is a bit expensive. That’s why only a few people use it. Let us know what is cold pressed technology and which oil is beneficial.

cold pressed oil

This is a method of extracting oil from seeds, in which oil is extracted by pressing or crushing the seeds well. In this whole process, only light machines are used which do not heat up. No external chemicals are used to extract oil in the cold pressed method. That is why it is called pure oil. This oil has more nutritious ingredients. This oil can be extracted only from the seeds, so it is costlier than common oil.

Which cold pressed oil is best

Although sesame, coconut and mustard oil are also extracted by cold pressed technology, but most of the cold pressed oil of olive is in trend. You can use it raw or lightly heated. By the way, the temperature of heating each oil is different. Among these, olive oil is considered a very soft oil. On the other hand, you can use coconut cold pressed oil by heating it.

Mustard oil is cold pressed

You can call mustard oil as cold pressed oil. It is also known as Kachi Ghani oil. To extract mustard oil, the machine is neither heated nor any kind of chemical is added to it. This oil is not even filtered. It has all the properties of mustard.

How to use Cold Pressed Oil

Experts say that cold pressed oil should be used in food. It is rich in antioxidants which create the ability to fight diseases. You can use cold pressed oil only raw. If you want, you can also use it by heating it slightly. This type of oil should not be heated very fast. It should also not be used in frying.

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