Never make these four mistakes regarding credit card, otherwise the debt burden will increase


Credit Card Tips: People use credit card to manage their expenses. This is a service that allows you to spend even when you have no money. Spending on a credit card can be done only up to a limit (Credit Card Limit). Credit cards are given by the banks only on the basis of the eligibility of the people.

Credit Card Interest Rate has to be paid more than other loans on credit card, but if you pay on time, then interest is not imposed. Apart from this, there are some such mistakes, which are often made by credit card holders and they have to pay more debt. Let us know what you should not do while using the credit card.

Do not make another card if it is not needed

If you have a credit card and you are taking another credit card as well, the first thing you should do is see whether you need it and can repay it? If there is no need, do not get another credit card made.

Do not use credit card everywhere

Card holders are advised that if they use credit card, then do the transaction only after thinking. By doing more transactions, the debt on you will also be more. Along with this, it should also be kept in mind that where the credit card is being used. If you spend more money due to greed and you are unable to repay that money, then you may be in trouble.

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spend up to the credit card limit

It is often seen that in order to increase their CIBIL score, people withdraw all the money and spend it even if they do not need it equal to the credit card limit. When it comes time to pay, they are not able to pay. In such a situation the burden of debt increases. This should not be done, as much as is needed, should be spent.

Avoid making EMI

It is often seen that people withdraw all the money and spend it and make monthly installments to fill that money. Due to this, they have to pay more amount along with interest. Also, if any installment is missed, then you can be in trouble.

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